Solo exhibitions (selection):
2018 Site-Specifics, Gallery The Goma, Madrid, Spain
2016 Monuments 2006-2015, Gallery The Goma, Madrid, Spain
2014 Common Places-common spaces, Gallery The Goma, Madrid, Spain
2013 The Wall, Gallery Catherine Issert, Paris, France
2012 The Hole, Galerie Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
Group exhibitions (selection):
2018 Transition, Kunstpreis 2018, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin, Germany
D´après Morandi, Gallery Backslash, Paris, France
2017 2+1, Gallery Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
2015 Histoire de peintres, Gallery Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
Wish you were here, Gallery Catherine Issert, Saint Paul de Vence,France
2014 Queso de Cobra, St-Jacques de Compostelle, Spain
Summer, Gallery Catherine Issert, Saint Paul de Vence, France
2013 Verliebete Künstler (und lachende Dritte), Berlin, Germany
Entrée libre mais non obligatoire, Villa Arson, Nice , France
Commissariat pour un arbre, Crystal Palace, Bordeaux, France
La dernière vague, Surf, Skateboard and custom culture in contemporary art, La friche de la belle de Mai, Marseille, France
2012 Der Korridor, J2System, Berlin, Germany
2011 Le bal des débutantes, Klemm’s Gallery , Berlin, Germany
1975-2011, Contemporary Art and the Côte d’Azur, Gallery Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
The sculpture otherwise, Mougins, France
Installation at open sky, Coaraze, France
2009 Discocactus, Exotic Garden, Monaco.
Me and the Others III, Gallery Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
One to One, Grand Palais, Paris, France
2008 Moi et les autres II / Me and the Others II, Gallery Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
Still loving You, Gallery des Ponchettes, Nice, France
Pierre Descamps & Gaël Peltier, Galerie Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence, France
Mille Baci from Bubaque, Boubaque, Guinée-Bissau.
2007 With a little Help from my Friends, 4 Wheels, Nice, France
2006 Parcours / Route, Haut-de-Cagnes, France
2005 Le Dojo, Le Dojo, Nice, France
2004 Uno, uno, Prima, Palazzo Duccale, Cuneo, Italy
Génération 2004, Gallery des Ponchettes, Nice, France
2003 Lee 3 Tau ceti Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nice, France
Bibliography :
Catalogs :
La dernière vague, Surf, skateboard & Custom cultures in Contemporary Art. Text from Richard Leydier. La Friche de la Bellede-
L’art contemporain et la côte d’azur 1951-2011. Text from Maurice Fréchuret. Les presses du réel.
Still lovin you. Text from Mathilde Roman. Ville de Nice.
Génération 2004. Villa Arson.
Lee 3 Tau ceti Armory Show. Villa Arson.
Press :
Art Viewer 06.2018
The Artians 06.2018
El Cultural 05.2018, Text from Angel Clavo Ulloa
The Artians 12.2016
Surfers Journal n° 95. p.87. Text from Richard Leydier.
Le quotidien de l’art n° 383. p.6. Text from Damien Sausset.
Le quotidien de l’art n°99. p.5. Text from Julie Portier.
Le journal des Arts n°644. Text from Vincent Delaury.
Prize, grants, subventions...:
2019 Spallart Prize Salzburg
2018 Nominated for the Art Prize Haus am Kleistpark
Nominated for the Photography Prize Photography Grant
2012 Firtst exhibition Subvention, DRAC PACA, Frankreich
2009-2016 Studio Subvention from the City of Berlin (BBK)
1999-2004 Master in Art at the Villa Arson, Nice, France